Mule - Fun Prints

$ 11.00

This album is Mule size bonnets only. If you see a pattern in another collection that is not listed as being available in mule and donkey size send me a note with the pattern number and I will check bandanna inventory to see if we have enough to cut a long ear size bonnet out for you. Depending on the pattern and size you need it could take up to three bandannas to make one mule size bonnet.

The Mule sizes are:

Small (9" ear and 4.5" poll with 9" ear base)

Regular (10" ear and a 5" poll with 10" ear base)

Large size (11" ear and 5.5 poll with 10.5" ear base)

XLG size (12" ear and a 6" poll with 11" ear base)

Custom fits are no extra charge so if you feel the need to measure and make a change it is no problem..  If you have questions email us at